
What are Electives?

A place to learn, be inspired and equipped.

Electives form a key part of our discipleship pathway and are designed to create space where we can learn with others, be inspired and equipped to put in to practice what it means to follow Jesus in our everyday lives.

Over this coming year (2024) we are continuing to focus on the theme of Formation using the materials put together by Practicing the Way. These sessions involve video based teaching, space for group discussion, and an opportunity to put into practice and outwork what you are learning, as we seek to intentionally apprentice ourselves to Jesus.

Electives run three times a year in; January, May and September, and we invite everyone to attend alongside those in their city group.

Summer 2024 Electives

Our upcoming elective streams will be...

The Sabbath Practice
The Sabbath is a 24-hour time period set aside to stop, rest, delight, and worship. It is the best day of the week. In our era of chronic exhaustion, emotional unhealth, and spiritual stagnation, few things are more necessary than the recovery of this ancient practice.

The Fasting Practice
Fasting is going without food for a set amount of time to awaken our body and soul to our deep hunger and need for God. It’s one of the most powerful — and neglected — of all of Jesus’ practices.

16th, 23rd, 30th May & 6th June
Fairspace MK
417 Midsummer Blvd, MK9 3BN
7.30pm - 9.30pm

Come along with others from your city group as we continue learn what it means to practice the way of Jesus, Together!
If you're not part of a city group, it's not a problem you can still take part, in fact Electives can be a great first step towards joining a city group in the future, simply sign up and select the stream you would like to follow, via the button below.

sign-up here

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